Photographer:web | Venus Transit Photographer:web | Phases of Venus Transit Photographer:web | Venus Transit Photographer:web | Partial Lunar Eclipse Photographer:web | Phases of Partial Lunar Eclipse Photographer:Alma | Exhibition
31 May / 2012Program by:
Language: English

All India Bandh, Eclipses

Matrimandir team informs us that due to the announced All India’Bandh Matrimandir will be open for meditation for Aurovillians and newcomers only from 6am to 8.30am and 4.30pm to 8pm. We are requested to bring our friends and family members on any other day. A Transit of Venus, preceded by a Lunar eclipse, is one of the rarest sights in astronomy which occur 8 years apart, each pair separated from the next by over a century, and the next pair will occur in 2117 and 2125. Partial Lunar Eclipse on 4th, Venus eclipse on 5th and 6th of June.

What matters is one’s own aspiration for the Divine, one’s own faith, surrender, selfless self-giving. Sri Aurobindo