Photographer:Google image | EarthDay
04 Apr / 2011Program by:
Language: English

Earth Day Coming Soon

Today’s news is multi-featured, presenting announcements starting with Johnny, who puts together a parade for Earth day from the Youth Centre to the Visitors’ Centre, inviting anybody interested in joining, either walking or with a float, which could be anything from a bullock cart to a wheel barrow and all themes fine, from clowns to clerics. And a call for teachers: Future School is looking for an English teacher with a strong academic background in English and/or a passion for an in-depth study in English language and literature.Refer to ‘Dispelling Myths,’ a program on AurovilleRadio concerning the meeting which was held last Saturday at Visitors’ Centre called due to the incidents taking place on Auroville’s roads.

Once the Mother was asked if a day will come when there will be no more suffering in the world….. Her response: people, as they are at present, love suffering and call it to themselves even while they curse it…..each one must make an effort to transform himself, for most of our suffering is the result of one’s own mistakes, both physical and moral.