Photographer:web | Matrimandir with watter lily Photographer:a | Matrimandir
01 Jul / 2013Program by:
Language: English

Entry, Waste, Chorals

Today at 4pm at Unity Pavilion the community will continue with open platform meeting from 31st of May where many expressed a strong wish to simplify the Entry process. At 2pm at Pavilion of Tibetan Culture in International Zone we are invited to join the celebration of Canada’s Day, the 146th birthday of Canada. At Conference Room in Town Hall at 4pm Min and Akshay at earth&us will present Behavior Study on Waste. At 6.30pm at Savitri Bhavan we are invited to A Company of Voices – CONSPIRARE in Concert’

The psychic is a steady flame that burns in you, soaring towards the Divine and carrying with it a sense of strength which breaks down all oppositions. When you are identified with it you have the feeling of the divine truth.The Mother