Photographer:Maria | Poster Photographer:Maria | Presentation Photographer:Maria | Jean Larroquette Photographer:Maria | Jean Larroquette interpretation Photographer:Maria | Jean Larroquette read Moliere Photographer:Maria | Jean Larroquette in conference Photographer:Maria | Jean Larroquette in Pitanga
25 Feb / 2012Program by:

French Classic Literature

On Saturday 25th at 8pm in Dance Hall of Pitanga Cultural Centre, Jean Larroquette has read out some Classical French texts of Moliere, Racine and La Fountaine.
A beautiful trip about the French language in XVII century which, in around other two centuries, has developed in the modern french language.
In the reading Jean has crossed La Fountaine’s tails, as “Le Rat et l’Elephant”, or the “Andromaque” of Racine, to “L’Avare” from Moliere. The reading was done in French.