Photographer:Andrea | Julian Lines
17 Oct / 2011Program by:
Language: English

Julian Lines: A Busy Life

Frequent visitor from Woodstock NY Julian Lines, International Advisory Council member speaks about the many things in which hes involved. Announcements: Auroville Ultimate Frisbee team came 3rd in the 2011Chennai Heat tournament.Caregiver training in basic nursing skills to 8 female graduates completed. “Water Cell” presentation on the need for a new water policy for Auroville at Cinema Paradiso,Friday 21st October, 5pm.

God leads man while man is misleading himself, the higher nature watches over the stumblings of his lower mortality; this is the tangle and contradiction out of which we have to escape into the [self-unity] to which alone is possible a clear knowledge and a faultless action.Sri Aurobindo – Aphorisms