Photographer:Google image | sky of Kabir
03 Apr / 2012Program by:
Language: English

Kabir Films

Starting Fri. 6th, Auroville hosts a 3-day festival celebrating Kabir… along with the live performances, Cinema Paradiso will show 4 films about Kabir, exploring his philosopy, poetry and songs, all with English sub-titles. Auroville Architects Monograph Series first release on architect Poppo Pingel, by Mona Doctor-Pingel 7 April, 9:15 at Town Hall Conference Room. Dehashakti (physical education, sports of various kinds for Auroville students) is minus funds for award t-shirts; support them by contributing to Dehashakti Sports acc. 102264.

This from the Mother: Whatever the way we follow, the subject we study, we always arrive at the same result: the most important thing for an individual is to unify himself around his divine centre. Otherwise, he is a plaything of forces that toss him about like a bit of cork on a river, going everywhere he does not want to go, made to do things he does not want to do and finally, he loses himself in a hole without strength to recover… but consciously organized and unified around his divine centre, and directed by it, he is master of his destiny.