Photographer:google images | Matrimandir -  Inner Chamber Photographer:google images | Matrimandir Photographer:google images | Petal Meditation Room - Aspiration Photographer:google images | Bone Mineral Density Photographer:google images | Bone Mineral Density - test
17 Jul / 2012Program by:
Language: English

Kahata Kabir, Inner Chamber

Tomorrow at 8pm at Kalabhumi Madhumita, Devasmita Patnaik and group will share with us KAHATA KABIR a dance performance In the path of Kabir Festival – Folk songs woven into rhythms and dance. At Matrimandir the unavoidable and necessary carpet cleaning and maintenance work in the Inner Chamber starting tomorrow, for a week. Some or all of the Petals Mediation Rooms will be open. At Auroville Health Centre on 21st July from 10am onwards. Bone Mineral density test will be repeated

Open yourself to the new Light that has dawned upon earth and a luminous path will spread in front of you.The Mother

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