Photographer:Marta | Circus sShow with Clown at Miracle Photographer:Marta | # day Russian Healing  Workshop Photographer:Marta | Lilith Fashion Show on 1st and 2nd of February at UP in IZ Photographer:Marta | Drago Druskovic presents at Kale Kendra at 4pm Photographer:Marta | The New Silver Light by Emanuele exhibited at Town Hall Photographer:Marta | The New Silver Light by Emanuele
23 Jan / 2014Program by:
Featured: RAS, EmanueleLanguage: English

NO Quorum

RAS announcement:’ RA Decision Making Quorum was not reached during the January 20th event, and feedback is needed from the Community on how to proceed on: 1. A proposed new way of selecting the Working Committee and Auroville Council; and 2. The revised mandate of The FAMC. This Saturday at 8pm at Sri Aurobindo Auditorium, Bharat Nivas, Pavilion of Indian Culture in International Zone: Come listen to The Spirit of Sufi – Qawwali. On Wednesday the 29th a General Meeting on options for the protection of Auroville land will be held at 4.30pm, at Unity Pavilion.

A supreme divine Love is a creative Power, and even thought it can exist in itself silent and unchangeable, yet rejoices in external form and expression and is not condemned to be a speechless and bodiless godhead. The Synthesis of Yoga, Sir Aurobindo