Photographer:miriam | Jill and Invitation Photographer:miriam | Sarath Shetoy Photographer:miriam | Exhibition on AV MArathon Photographer:miriam | Questioning - Naga Mandala Photographer:miriam | Sophie, Ing-Marie, Sarath Shenoy
09 Aug / 2011Program by:
Language: English

Photos, Play, Darshan

On last Saturday 6th of August in Pavilion of Tibetan Culture they inaugurated the exhibition of photos on the day of Auroville Marathon taken by Sarath Shenoy and heres a short interview with him made by Tanja.NAGA-MANDALA adapted from the play by Girish Karnad will be performed at CRIPA in Kalabhumi on August 13th 14th 2011 at 5pm. We feature short interview with Jill, the director of it. Sri Aurobindo’s Dasrhan tokens can be collected at Pitanga on 11th, 12th, 13th between 9 – 12 and 2 – 6 pm.

….asking Him to pour His Grace upon you and to make you conscious of the Divine Light and Soul in you, to give you the supreme realization on His Presence. – The Mother