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15 Jan / 2014Program by:
Featured: RAS, AVILanguage: English

Selection Process, Tango

This’ Saturday, we are invited, at 4pm, to the Unity Pavilion, International Zone, by Entry Service, for a brainstorming session on the different possible ways of being associated with Auroville. The heritage of Hindustani music, Dhrupad, will be sung by Pelva Naik, at 8pm, Sri Aurobindo Auditorium, Bharat Nivas, Pavilion of Indian Culture in International Zone. On the same day, the Auroville Tango group invites us with milonga, at 8.15pm, Visitor Centre. An Auroville International 2014 meeting will take place 13-17th February, and the community is invited.

First be sure of the call and of thy soul’s answer. For if the call is not true, not the touch of God’s power of the voice of his messengers, but the lure of thy ego, the end of the endeavor will be a poor spiritual fiasco or else a deep disaster. Sri Aurobindo.