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25 Jul / 2017Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

Continuing to its conclusion Chapter 12, The Yoga of Divine Works on page 271, Sri Aurobindo tells us that the one who pursues his divine work in the universe is not governed by the judgments of men or laws laid down by the ignorant; he obeys and inner voice; he is moved by an unseen Power . . . his real life is within; he lives, moves and acts in God . . .

Furthermore that the divine Nature, free and perfect must be manifested in the individual in order that it may manifest in the world . . . the truest reason why we must seek liberation is not to be delivered individually from the sorrow of the world, though that deliverance will be given to us, but that we may be one with the Divine . . . this is the divine Will in us, the highest truth of our self in Nature, the always intended goal of a progressive manifestation in the universe.