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04 Jun / 2017Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: French

Synthesis of Yoga Pt. 1, Ch. 11

“The Master and Mover of our works is the One . . .the Self of all beings, Master of all worlds, the Light and Guide . . . All that is, is he, and he is the More than all that is, . . . and we ourselves are being of his being (though we know it not) . Even our mortal existence is made out of his substance; there is an immortal within us that is a spark of the Light that is for ever.”

It is long before we can see truly, and longer still if we would be transformed. Key is our renunciation of the egoism of the worker. When our surrender to his Dilvine Shaki is absolute, only then will we have arrived. And of course in all Yoga the first requisites are faith and patience. The Gita reminds us that the Yoga must be practiced, applied, with a heart free from despondent sinking which may come due to our impatience. Remmmmmmmmmembering that the Master has promised us he works always through our nature; we are his creation; in our errors is the substance of a Truth which works to reveals its meaning to us. . . He is wiser that our reason . . .

This reading is the first one of this chapter; to be continued .