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16 Jul / 2017Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga; Sri Aurobi nd

Continuing with Part One the Yoga of Divine Works, Chapter 11 The Master of the Work on page 258, through to the end of the chapter on page 263.

Sri Aurobindo reiterates that this Integral Yoga is not only for an individual’s salvation, but for the whole of humanity. And as we advance through the various stages of the long and difficult journey, the Master of works does not wait till the end to meet the seeker on the path. He puts his half-shown Hand upon him, upon his life and his actions.
” . . . Already he was there in the world as the Originator and Receiver of works behind the dense veils of the Inconscient, disguised in force of Life, visible to the Mind through dynamic godheads and figures. It may well be in these disguises that he first meets the soul destined to the way of integral Yoga. . . ”

” . . . the Supramental Transcendence is not a thing absolutely apart and unconnected with our present existence. It is a greater Light our of which all this has come for the adventure of the Soul lapsing into the Inconscience and emerging out of it, and, while that adventure proceeds, it waits superconscient above our minds till it can become conscious in us.