Photographer:Mari | Cleaning up the Isai Ambalam School compound Photographer:Mari | Cleaning up the Isai Ambalam School compound Photographer:Mari | Eden Photographer:Mari | Guest and Aurovilians put the hands together Photographer:Mari | Collecting leafs felt from the trees Photographer:Mari | The small playground it's almost ready
03 Jan / 2012Program by:

Volunteering for the cleaning up

The Auroville community have joint together to work in the cleaning up of public spaces after the stroke of the Thane Cyclone.
In Isai Ambalam School kids have been working with teachers and parents to improve roads and general conditions of gardens and buildings.
The Volunteer Desk, located in the reception of the Town Hall, is offering the possibility to guests and Aurovilians to work together reverting the impacts left by the cyclone. The schools in Auroville are supposed to open on Monday the 9th of January.

As a special measure some local schools have decided to declared holidays to avoid problems generated by the absence of water supply on educational buildings.