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23 Sep / 2017Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Sri Aurobindo: Synthesis of Yoga

This reading picks up on page 312, middle of Chapter 3 The Purified Understanding of Part II: The Yoga of Integral Knowledge.

” ….. what we mean by the understanding and by that higher faculty ….. which stands, to the developed intellect, much in the same relation as that intellect stands to the half-animal reason of the undeveloped man…… the nature of the purification necessary before the understanding can rightly fulfill its part in the attainment of right knowledge ….. All impurity is a confusion of working, a departure of dharma (sankara) the right action of things ….. pure and helpful to our perfection …..usually the result of ignorant confusion ….. “

“The second cause of impurity in the understanding is the illusion of the senses ….. A third cause of impurity in the understanding ….. an improper action of the will to know ….. a more or less obstinate will to ignore the truth in other ideas and opinions, cling to fragments of a truth ….. “

” ….. necessary to have the power of dismissing all thought ….. to think not at all ….. a power ….. a profound and pregnant stillness…. silence from which all words are born …..”