Photographer:AV Archives | A page from J. Hohlenberg's diary Photographer:AV Archives | Painting of Sri Aurobindo by J. Hohlenberg
03 Mar / 2016Program by:
Featured: Anusuya KLanguage: English

A chat with Anusuya Kumar Ph.D

Interviews with Ms Anusuya Kumar Ph.D. (School of Culture & Society, Aarhus University, Denmark) recently presented the fascinating and meticulous research work on Johannes Hohlenberg (1881-1960) encounter with Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. (the actual presentation can be heard here
…” It was as if he belonged to all worlds and cultures at once…. But this was only one side of his personality. Another seemed to live in infinity. I seemed to sometimes notice a slight hint of a smile on his face when he saw my amazement at his penetrating words. It was like I had been shot through the heart and mind.” J Hohlenberg

Johannes Hohlenberg was a Danish artist and philosopher’s journey during 1907-1915 from Paris to Pondicherry where he interviewed and painted Sri Aurobindo; and the resulting origins of Integral Yoga in early twentieth-century Scandinavia.


One comment

  • Christine Rhone

    Enjoyed this brief interview with Anusuya K and look forward to reading the book when it comes out.