Photographer:Barbara | Krupa Photographer:Barbara | Art Break Day 6th of September, Visitor Centre 9am to 5pm Photographer:Barbara | art supplies donated by Art Is Moving Photographer:Barbara | art supplies donated by Art Is Moving Photographer:Barbara | Krupa with poster
02 Sep / 2013Program by:
Language: English

Art Break Day, Dance

In today’s news we are featuring interview with Krupa on Art Break Day, which will happen on Friday 5th of September at Vistior Centre, next to Dreamer’s Caffe in International Zone. On Saturday 7th at Sri Aurobindo Auditorium, Bharat Nivas, Pavilion of Indian Culture in International Zone community is invited to see Pung Cholam Drum dance and Manipuri Classical Dance. Between 5th to 7th of September at Cinema Paradiso Auroville Green Practices Conference 2013 on Eco-Productive Cities; an initiative by Auroville Consulting and EcoPro.

Open your heart and the Light will enter and dwell within it.The Mother ….
“We must face integral life with all that it still entails in terms of ugliness, falsehood and cruelty, but while taking care to discover in ourselves the source of all goodness, all beauty, all light and all truth, in order to consciously put that source in contact with the world so it may transform it.” The Mother