Photographer:Andrea | Danny
21 Dec / 2011Program by:
Language: English

Aspiration for the Future

Today an interview with Danny is the feature; Danny, well-known as the founder of WellPaper, now a member of the newly formed Auroville Council: he speaks about juggling the various aspects of his life along with highest aspirations for the good of the larger community. B for the Cooperatif Cosmique (users of the Aura) and Zero Waste speaks about the Aura coming out on 1-1-2012, a year in which changes worldwide will take place…Auroville Cleanup Group calls for volunteers to clean up litter and for education to change attitude and behavior.

…..In all circumstances of life one must always be very careful to guard against despair. The habit of despairing does not depend on events but on a lack of faith in the nature. One who has faith even if only in himself can face all difficulties, all circumstances, even the most adverse without discouragement or despair; one fights to the end. A nature that lacks faith also lacks courage, without which one cannot endure…’ excerpted from the writings of the Mother