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08 Mar / 2015Program by:
Featured: Krishan, SamvitLanguage: English

Auroville Festival in Chennai

Featuring two short interviews – one with Krishna from AV Art Service, and one with Samvit, participating at Ethical Market. On 1st of March the Auroville Festival in Chennai was officially inaugurated by Dr. K. Rosaiah, His Excellency the Gorvernor of Tamil Nadu, and until 21st of March different aspect of Auroville life and creation will be exposed to habitat of Chennai either with cultural events, talks, exhibitions or through various market presenting our production. Yesterday concert of Aruoville Choirs was warmly accepted.

Words of Wisdom
The Mother

The discipline of Art has at its centre the same principle as the discipline of Yoga. In both the aim is to become more and more conscious; in both you have to learn to see and feel something that is beyond the ordinary vision and feeling, to go within and bring out from there deeper things.

28 Jul 1929, Pg 105, Vol 3, CWM

If art is to manifest something in the divine Life, there also a vast and luminous peace must express itself.
A mere intellectual, ethical and aesthetic culture does not go back to the inmost truth of the spirit; it is still an Ignorance, an incomplete, outward and superficial knowledge. To have made the discovery of our deepest being and hidden spiritual nature is the first necessity and to have erected the living of an inmost spiritual life into the aim of existence is the characteristic sign of a spiritual culture.

Pg 197, Vol 20, CWSA Sri Aurobindo