Photographer:Romel | Creating Auroville Together - CAT Photographer:Romel | Creating Auroville Together - CAT Photographer:Romel | The question in the workshop Photographer:Romel | The question in the workshop Photographer:Romel | Creating Auroville Together - CAT Photographer:Romel | Creating Auroville Together - CAT Photographer:Romel | Creating Auroville Together - CAT
13 Dec / 2016Program by:
Featured: MitaLanguage: English

CAT-3 on Auroville Charter

Mita, Inge and Sandhira were facilitating the CAT-3 ( Create Auroville Together ) on 8th dec2016. All the residents in Auroville were invited to this new form of interactive workshops being organized, which has the intention to revitalize the spirit of Auroville in all its residents and in-turn into all the actions and decisions we make. It is also a space where Aurovillians can come together and put on their thinking cap and maybe look old virtues with new perspective. The mood of the workshop was very joyous and participants were feeling good to mingle amongst each other, as the format of the workshop was very interactive.
At the end of the workshop, participants , each gave their personal sharing on their relation with the Auroville charter and what values it imbibe’s into them. And as the name suggest, Creating Auroville Together, participants were clearly feeling the joy of being together and looking out for each other. The workshop ended , on a very creative note, the participants together formed , the Auroville Symbol and recited the opening part of the Auroville Charter.
” Auroville belongs to no one … one must be a willing servitor of the divine “