Photographer:Herman | Bindu on the spot. She is one of the member of Auroville group dealing with the Karuvadikuppam dump site. Photographer:Herman | Sample site with up to 1 meter deep sludge. Photographer:Herman | Sham cleaning the sludge of his hands with Renu standing by. Photographer:Herman | Team looking for a well next to the sewage plant. Photographer:Herman | Mountains of garbadge of the Karuvadikuppam dump site.
03 Jan / 2013Program by:

Environmental Concerns

Over the past 7 years Aurovillians have been having problems with the smoke and fumes coming from the Karuvadikuppam dump site located just 3 km outside Auroville. None of the waste has been segregated which make the management extremely difficult. In order to take up this issue with the local government Renu and Bindu has taken action by asking Igor to send a lab technician to take soil and water samples for testing. The place stinks for miles around making the life in some villages and Auroville’s communities unbearable.

The gypsy community that has been living next to the dump site have been setting it alight to have easier access to the metals which they sell. The result of these samples should be available in 10 days. —