Photographer:Hamish | Conscious One with the Divine Consciousness Hibiscus
06 Feb / 2012Program by:
Language: English

Film; The Teachings of Flowers

Loretta talks about her film The teachings of Flowers; the Life and Work of the Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Aikido Wokshop 2012: Jean-Pierre Pigeau, offers a 12 day workshop. Auroville Marathon 2012 on February 12. A conference by Dr. Aster Patel: Matter Precipitates It is in a hurry to transform itself… beginning on 9 Feb. with a premiere of Lorettas film. Ela for Insight Seminars: a one-day-workshop on the deeper level of the community: An Introduction to the spiritual dimension of Auroville 9th February Center Guest House.

On Son of Immortality, live not thus according to Nature, but according to God; and compel her also to live according to the Deity within thee… Sri Aurobindos Thoughts and Aphorisms.