Photographer:web | Auroville Festival 2013 Photographer:web | Auroville Festival 2013 Photographer:web | Auroannam Farm Photographer:web | Auroannam Farm cashew trees Photographer:web | Krishna Photographer:web | Full Moon on 22nd in Aquarius
18 Jul / 2013Program by:
Language: English

GM and AV Film Festival 13

In today’s news you can listen to two interviews, first with Mawite on next General Meeting on Auroannam & Land Exchange on Wednesday 24th of July at 4.30pm at Unity Pavilion in International Zone; and the other with Krishna on this year Auroville Film Festival 2013 which is starting on 17th of September. Over 50 entries are already in, and the deadline for submission is 15th of August. On 26th July, Friday by 10Am at Ilaignarkal Education Centre invites us to A three day workshop on Traditional Siddha Medicine, Naadi, Varma and Herbology.

One little piece of misinformation can break down communication between people, causing every person it touches to become infected and contagious to others. Don Miguel Ruiz
Using the analogy of the human mind as a computer, gossip can be compared to a computer virus.
Don Miguel Ruiz