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06 Jul / 2020Program by:

Happiness, Love and Laughter – ep.3 “Honoring HH the 14th Dalai Lama”

Happiness, Love and Laughter
July 6, 2020 by Fif / MeDiClown Academy
Ep. 3 Honoring HH the 14th Dalai Lama on his 85th Birthday (10:48 min.)

HH the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan, loved and respected by millions of people around the globe. Today we shower him with 85 seconds of belly laughter and 85 billlion blessings for a long life.

“I have been confronted with many difficulties throughout the course of my life, and my country is going through a critical period. But I laugh often, and my laughter is contagious. When people ask me how I find the strength to laugh now, I reply that I am a professional laugher.”

HH the 14th Dalai Lama



  • Saraswati

    Such and incredible human being!

  • I am so glad to hear the one and only Fif Fernandes through the magic of the Internet. Thank you!