Photographer:Courtesy of | Prof. Sasse giving a workshop in Korea Photographer:Courtesy of | Prof. Sasse teaching line drawing in Germany <br />
Photographer:Courtesy of | Prof. Sasse at the Korean Foundation
10 Jan / 2013Program by:
Featured: Werner SasseLanguage: English

Korean-Indian Culture

Aurovillians had the pleasure to listen to Prof. Sasse on Thursday giving a lecture about Korean culture and how it has been influenced by Indian culture. Touching also on the subject of the arrival of Buddhism in Korea and the creation of the Korean alphabet. Participants had possibility to write their names in traditional Korean script. There was also performances of Taekwondo, improvised dancing and traditional Korean songs. The evening was closed by the audience learning a Korean mantra of well being.

Werner Sasse, born a German, went to Korea in 1966 to do development aid work in Jeolla-do (South Korea), helping to establish technical middle and high schools, which were not known in Korea in those days. 1968 he became Lecturer in the departments of German and English at Seonggyungwan University Seoul (South Korea) 1970-1975 he studied at the University of Bochum (Germany): Korean Studies (in the Japanese department), Chinese Literature, and Linguistics 1975, after his PhD.

In Korean Studies with a dissertation on the Korean language in the 12th century, he started to teach Korean Studies at Bochum University and became the first professor for Korean culture there. 1992 he started all over a second time and established another Korean Studies department, this time at the university of Hamburg/Germany. In 2006 he moved to Korea and became professor for anthropology at Hanyang University in Seoul. Since 2010 he stopped teaching regularly and concentrated on translation of classical Korean literature while continuing painting and calligraphy (12 solo exhibitions till today). —