Photographer:Loretta | Sri Auirobindo's Symbol In Mother's Symbol - Designed By Mother Photographer:Ashram Archives | Mother, 1961 - 1963
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Mother's Q & A – 13/6/56

Mother’s Questions And Answers – June 13, 1956

Mother says that now that the supermind has descended into the earth plane, one can expect all possibilities. Since the supermind contains everything, the transformation, and everything that is done to achieve it can be whatever the supermind wants, and is no longer limited by the processes which existed before its manifestation. Since each one is different, the supramental consciousness adapts to all of the innumerable differences that exist in humanity. Each one will be automatically changed, depending on the totality of consecration and sincerity of aspiration. Mother speaks in detail about the need for children to develop their brains during their school years, and she explains the true work of the teachers.