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10 Dec / 2018Program by:
Featured: MotherLanguage: English

Mother's Q And A, 26/12/56

Mother speaks of the necessity of a total change of consciousness, a reversal of consciousness, so that we can be successful in overcoming our weaknesses and correcting our faults to make real, lasting changes in our being. Each person has their own way of seeing the goal to be reached and the means to work towards it. The first indication of that way usually comes spontaneously, unexpectedly. It is the blossoming of the soul’s awakening which shows each one their path and their goal, and the best way to get there. One must remember the experience, relive it, concentrate on it. It is the end of the guiding thread which leads to the true consciousness. Then Mother speaks of the difference between making a choice which comes from the truth of our being or acting out of personal preference, prompted by desire. She emphasizes the importance of making the true choice at every moment of our life.