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Mr. Laksminarayanan from SLI

Mr. Laksminarayanan, former AD panchayat, Govt. of Tamil Nadu, & Currently liaison officer, SLI ( Sustainable Livelihood Institute ).
He has over 40 years of experience in working with the grassroot governance institutions. He delivers a powerful presentation, educating the locals upon the up coming panchayat elections. Mr. Laksminarayanan emphasis on the fact that every voting member is a part of ‘graham sabha ‘ and in turn has judiciary powers of the elected panchayat official, if required so. He educates, that Tamil Nadu has had a history of local panchayat governance right from 700 A.D. , and points out to various policies for qualification and disqualification of elected members which have been made clear, even in that era. He emphasis on the role of the Graham Sabha and highlights to the fact, every voting member is automatically a member of the graham sabha and has judiciary powers over the elected members and can bring them to accountability if required. Mr. Laksminarayanan dwells upon these serious issues with a rather jolly mood and reminds the people that, gone are the days when elected members of panchayat can favoritism of any kind and the elected members must work diligently to make sure all the basic needs of villagers are met. He is responsible in his professional life, to have lead and caused up to 31 panchayat elected official, to be disqualified and resign.