Photographer: | Reflections
10 Apr / 2007Program by:
Language: Spanish

Noticias de Auroville

Esta semana les informamos, como noticias de Auroville, sobre la necesidad de mejorar el alumbrado publico, la financiacion de Aqua Dyn (organizaciĆ³n que se ocupa de la purificacion y dinamizacion del agua), los cambios realizados en la gestion de la empresa AuroAnnam comprometida en actividades’ de cultivo de alimentos organicos, y una pequena reflexion entorno a la educacion de las escuelas de Auroville. Tambien les ofrecemos dos entrevistas; la primera a Lorenzo, un’ joven e inquieto espanol, que actualmente esta viajando alrededor de la India haciendo reportajes sociales; y la segunda, a un adolescente de Auroville.Download the news in Spanish by clicking here. For an English translation, click Read more.

This week’ there is news about the necessity to improve public lighting,’ about the financing of Aqua Dyn (the unit that works on purification and dynamisation of water),’ and about the changes made in the arrangement of’ AuroAnnam (a unit committed to’ organic farming.) ” Also there’s’ a reflection on education in the schools in Auroville. Plus two interwievs: the first with Lorenzo, a curious young Spaniard who is travelling around India making social reports’ and the second with a Spanish teenager who is a resident of Auroville.