Photographer:Vida | Anne and Juan Photographer:Vida | Juan and Anne in our studio
23 Oct / 2018Program by:
Featured: Anne, JuanLanguage: English

On APET First Group with Juan and Anne

After the first intensive workshop with 20 youth and young adults of Auroville on peer education we invited the facilitators of it – Juan and Anne to share with us their impressions, and what difficulties as a community we face. Juan mentions in between that feedback from the wider community on the program was very positive, and it seems that the time to break down some taboos is here. Time to be open to hear different ways of dealing with difficulties on our paths in a safe environment .

from FaceBook page
APET – Auroville Peer Education Training

We face several challenges as a collective in the Auroville-bioregional area – regarding topics like bike accidents, substance abuse, suicide and depression. At times we may feel handicap …not knowing how to react, with questions arising like, “what can we do to help?”

We know our peer group has a strong influence in how we behave, and this can be for both risky and safe behaviors. This is especially important when we deal with sensitive issues. Many times we want to help, but we don’t know how or we don’t know enough. So, how can you be of real help to your close ones? Use peer influence in a positive way by becoming a reference for information and support in your community.