Photographer:Monireh | Umberto, Fif, Jan-Willen Pieterson, Freek Schiphorst Photographer:Monireh | Jan-Willen Pieterson, Freek Schiphorst Photographer:Monireh | Jan-Willen Pieterson, Freek Schiphorst, Umberto, Fif
18 Oct / 2013Program by:
Language: English

Presentation for Newcomers

Board members of Stichting De Zaaier – Martine Busek, Jan-Willen Pieterson and Freek Schiphorst – are currently visiting Auroville. They have already talked to many people and units about their projects and services. A presentation to newcomers on Stichting de Zaaier had been scheduled and took place yesterday morning in the Town Hall Conference Room. Due, perhaps, to the slight delay and to the work commitment of the 120 newcomers, only Fif participated in the session, along with Umberto from Entry Service.