Photographer:Unknown | Shraddhavan in the 70'. Photographer:Stella Shaller | Shraddhavan in 2012.
12 Nov / 2013Program by:
Featured: ShraddhavanLanguage: English

Shraddhavan filmed interview

Shraddhavan is the Sanskrit name given by the Mother, in June 1972,’ to an English woman who joined Auroville in 1970 and has lived here ever since. After studying English Language and Literature at Bristol University in the U.K. she travelled extensively in Europe, Asia and Australia before coming to Auroville. Here, she works as an educator, translator, editor and writer. Several of her poems, stories, essays and book reviews have been published in the Ashram journal Mother India as well as in Heritage magazine.

At present Shraddhavan is in charge of the Savitri Bhavan, a centre focusing on Sri Aurobindo studies, and especially his revelatory epic poem Savitri. – Ce film vous est presente par Rakhal et Francois Gautier dans le cadre de la serie de reportages qu’ils ont realises sur les pionniers d’Auroville.