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29 Aug / 2017Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

This reading completes Chapter 2 The Status of Knowledge, Part II The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, pages 303 – 307. Sri Aurobindo continues to teach us that God is in us, in everything, and that our whole being ought to demand God. The whole life and body can be satisfied of God.

Knowledge and experience, which we must attain, are primary means of arriving and possessing identity ; it is ourself that we see and experience but are incomplete unless they culminate in identity, living in all our being the supreme Vedntic knowledge: He am I. A supernal unity with the Ineffable. Actually that is the culmination of all divine knowing; that is also the source of all divine delight and divine living.

The status of knowledge then is the aim of this path and when pursued to its end is only a first approach to the ascent which we have to use until the divine doors swing open into the infinite Light.