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10 Oct / 2017Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

Part II The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, Chapter Five: Renunciation page 326 through page 331, to be continued with the next reading.

” ….. by renunciation we seize upon the falsehoods ….. that have overgrown and perverted our nature ….. pluck up their roots and cast them out of our way so that they shall no longer hamper by their persistence, resistance, recurrence the happy and harmonious growth of our divine living. Renunciation is an indispensable instrument of our perfection.”

” ….. our object is the fulfillment of the Divine in the human being ….. renunciation of attachment ….. craving of desire in the senses and the heart, of self-will in the thought and action ….. of egoism in the center of the consciousness ….. the three knots by which we are bound to our lower nature and if we can renounce these utterly, there is nothing else that can bind us.”