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12 Dec / 2017Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

Resuming Chapter XI The Modes of the Self in Part Two The Yoga of Integral Knowledge on page 378.

” …The Gita makes a distinction between three Purushas who constitute the whole state and action of the divine Being; the Mutable, the Immutable and the Highest. That Highest is the Lord in whom we have to live, the supreme Self in us and in all. … the soul that can live in the Highest enjoys the eternal peace and power and delight and wideness of being …
uses them all with a large freedom and power for the self-expression of the Divine in the world. ….. we have to act by transmission of His will and power and self-knowledge through the individual centre, the soul-form of Him, which we are. ….. we can seek to serve and express Him in all His names and forms and qualities. ”