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16 Jan / 2018Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

Continuing with Part Two The Yoga of integral Knowledge on page 404, the second half of Chapter 14 The Passive and the Active Brahman. We learn once again that in fact He is the Doer; we are but the instruments .

Sri Aurobindo writes: “It is precisely this universal Will and Intelligence which acts through the calm, indifferent and inwardly silent Yogin who offers no obstacle of limited and ignorant personal will and in intelligence to its operations. He dwells in the silent Self; he allows the active Brahman to work through his natural instruments, accepting impartially, without participation, the formations of its universal force and knowledge.”

Sri Aurobindo concludes the chapter thusly: “The realization of a sole Reality suffering the imposition of names and forms will give place to that of eternal Being throwing itself out into infinite becoming. … All the soul-life, mental, vital, bodily existence of all that exists will be to him one indivisable movement and activity of the Being who is the same forever.”.