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20 Feb / 2018Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

Continuing in Part Two The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, Chapter 17 on page 431 in the Synthesis of Yoga, Sri Aurobindo’s principal work on yoga which is an explanation of his method of Integral Yoga:

” To be first in tune with the Infinite, in harmony with the Divine, and then to be unified with the Infinite, taken into the Divine is its condition of perfect strength and mastery, and this is precisely the very nature of the spiritual life and the spiritual existence. … Purusha is, says the Gita, witness, upholder, source of the sanction, knower, lord, enjoyer; Prakriti executes, it is the active principle … corresponding with the attitude of the Purusha.”

And thus we learn that we may say of everything, – body, life, mental action, thought, sensation, emotion, – “This is Prakriti working in the life, mind and body, it is not myself, it is not even mine.”