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06 Apr / 2018Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

Continuing in Part Two The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, the first half of Chapter 21, The Ladder of Self-Transcendence on page 465.

Sri Aurobindo offers: ” We can indeed become aware of the true Self or Spirit in ourselves by turning our sense and vision inward … All is determined by the Spirit, for all from subtlest existence to grossest matter is manifestation of the Spirit. … Man is a spirit, but a spirit that lives as a mental being in physical nature … His natural highest conception of himself is a vaguely conceived soul or spirit, a soul manifested only by the physical’s life experiences … forced on its dissolution to return by an automatic necessity to the vast indeterminateness of the Infinite. But because he has the power of self-development, he can rise beyond the natural conceptions of the materialised soul …”

The second half of this chapter will comprise the next reading.