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22 May / 2018Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

The method of the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo is explained in detail by Sri Aurobindo in his Synthesis of Yoga, as well as referrals and explanations of the traditional yogas.

Continuing with Part Two The Yoga of Integral Knowledge, Chapter 26, Samadhi, on page 518.

“Yogic trance cannot be an aim, as in so many Yogic systems, but only a means not of escape from the waking existence, but to enlarge and raise the whole seeing, living and active consciousness.”

Three provinces exist: a waking state, a dream state, a sleep state with a fourth state (Turiya) of which all are derivations for the enjoyment of relative experience in the world. “This fourfold scale corresponds to the degrees of the ladder of being by which we climb back towards the absolute Divine.”

“In Yoga various devices are used to seal up the doors of the physical sense …. but the one all-sufficient means is a force of concentration by which the mind is drawn inward …”