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22 Jun / 2018Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

Sri Aurobindo says that what is proposed in his method of Integral Yoga is nothing less than to break up the whole formation of our past and our present; to create a new center of vision and activities in ourselves which shall constitute a superhuman nature, a divine humanity in fact.

This reading in the Synthesis is the second half of Chapter 2 The Motives of Devotion page 556, found in Part 3 The Yoga of Divine Love.

The Yoga of devotion aims at a divine satisfaction of the emotional being of man, and of the Supreme, an acceptance of our love and, a response in kind … if the universal supreme Being did not take delight in us, how could we have come into being? Or remain in being?
The Supreme is a conscious Being; he meets us in the universe; when we approach him by our human emotions, we receive a response in kind. Which does not, however, mean the nature of the Divine is the same as our human nature, nor an ideal Man. By approaching him through our emotional being we approach that Truth which comes down to meet our emotions, lifting them towards it.To all he answers, taking us in the stage of progress in which we are. All in nature is the Divine; through Love the Divine takes possession and enjoys.