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16 Oct / 2018Program by:
Featured: MarlenkaLanguage: English

Synthesis of Yoga

The Synthesis of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo is the explanation of his method of Integral Yoga, perfectly explained in minute detail, plus an examination of traditional yogas. This recording continues in Part 4 The Yoga of Self-Perfection, the second half of Chapter 8 The Liberation of the Spirit, bottom of page 677.

The goal is a lifting up and surrender of our whole being to the Divine; we become one with him, dwell in him and he in us; the whole nature becomes full of his presence. … Liberation from ego and desire together found the central spiritual freedom. … The idea and experience that I am a separate self-existence being in the universe, are the root of all suffering, ignorance and evil. … thereby falsifying the whole real truth; limits the being, the consciousness, and so produces a wrong way of existence. …

To be at one with God is to be at one with oneself, the universe and all beings. … the secret of a right and divine existence. … casting away the binding chains of ego, to get back to free self, immortal spiritual being, is the soul’s return to its own eternal divinity.


One comment


    Very insightful. Thank you!