Photographer: | Tropical Cyclone Six
26 Nov / 2008Program by:
Language: English

Tropical Cyclone Nisha

Today’s news features’ an excerpt from the recent Kabir workshop by Prahlad SinghTipanya and his musicians, enjoyed by at least 70 people despite the inclement weather. The weather news flash is Tropical Cyclone Six, swirling around the South of India with winds up to 74 kph, plenty of driving rain, roads more like lakes and numerous uprooted trees. Plus no power as many trees fell on low and high tension lines over wide spread areas from Auroville’s centre to the Greenbelt to Quilapalayam and points in-between, resulting in broken poles, discs and insulators.’ The extent of the damage’ will take more than 2 days to get cleared so that power resumes. .