Photographer:The Unstitute | Arcadia Photographer:The Unstitute | In Arcadia Ego Photographer:The Unstitute | In Arcadia Ego Photographer:The Unstitute | In Arcadia Ego Photographer:The Unstitute | In Arcadia Ego Photographer:The Unstitute | In Arcadia Ego
16 Feb / 2016Program by:

Unvironments 4: Arcadia

The Unstitute (UK artists Marianna and Daniel) continues its sonic exploration of meditative landscapes, this time invoking the legendary ‘golden country’ of Arcadia, ancient Greece, and latent parallels with the Aurovilian project.

In Arcadia, the artists become resonant chambers of mentation, projecting internal worlds onto external landscapes, and vice versa. The ‘ideal country’ of legend is only a tenuous, transient moment existing somewhere between the interplay of external vibration and internal frequency. The dissolution of the parameters of inner and outer – as the ego recognizes its own displacement into fiction, fear or fantasy – is the frequency which we have tried to bring you.

This new type of semi-audible space, constructed from audible fractals and projections, echoes of selves creating selves, voices trapped in a chamber of perfect reverberation, evolving into Mandelbrotian sound hallucinations, shall be called an ‘Egoscape’.