Photographer:Kristen | Mawite describes changes at AuroAnnam over the past 2 years Photographer:Kristen | On the way to observe the fence and road traffic Photographer:Kristen | Iconic line of palm trees at AuroAnnam Photographer:Kristen | Entryway to AuroAnnam, across paved road from AuroOrchard Photographer:Kristen | Sign for Kipaak Farmer's Cafe and store Photographer:Kristen | Mawite showing photos of AuroAnnam's evolution Photographer:Kristen | Site map of AuroAnnam
21 Apr / 2013Program by:
Featured: MawiteLanguage: English

What's Up AuroAnnam?

AuroAnnam Farm is among Auroville’s oldest parcels of land. Most recently it was a demonstration site for organic cashews. Mawite has been caring for AuroAnnam and putting energy into making it a lively yet peaceful green entryway into Auroville. There is a question whether Auroville will keep the land or exchange it, making future plans for the place somewhat tenuous. Hear Mawite explain the situation at AuroAnnam on Earth Day weekend – first with a walk around the land and chant led by Kaya, then a presentation back at the Farmers’ Cafe.