Photographer:miriam | Pilling up cutted wood Photographer:miriam | Branches at the road Photographer:miriam | Dry wood  and branches can cause fire
10 Jan / 2012Program by:
Language: English

Wood, Fire, Dengue

AV Cyclone Response Team strongly request the cooperation of all residents regarding handling of Auroville’s wood and timber. They’re asking us NOT TO SELL AUROVILLE WOOD OR EXCHANGE IT FOR LABOR. All Auroville wood, or its value, will eventually be utilized to rebuild Auroville. We should understand that if one choose to sell or exchange Auroville wood on his own, one cannot expect reimbursement for rebuilding costs such as clearing, … Dr. Elisabeth from USA will have a presentation on Friday 13th at 5pm in White Hall, Bharat Nivas.

Harmony and beauty of the mind and soul, harmony and beauty of the thoughts and feelings, harmony and beauty in every outward act and movement, harmony and beauty of the life and surroundings, this is the demand of Mahalakshmi.
Sri Aurobindo
The Mother