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29 Jun / 2020Program by:

A Cup of Joy – Ep.5 “Everyone is a hero and everyone needs a Hero”

“EVERYONE is a hero & everyone needs a HERO”….Did you find yours?

Have you ever had an inspiring figure you admired and looked up to? Have you ever felt irresistibly attracted by some special character or some unforgettable icon? Or felt a sort of fascination towards the magical, the mystical, the courageous or the heroic? Have you ever had some kind of fantasy of owning some special abilities or powers? To become how you always secretly wanted to be?

In today’s episode we’ll talk about the value that heroes and archetypes play in our lives. Often underestimated, this mythological theme runs across every civilization and century under many shapes and forms. Referring to the milestone work of Joseph Campbell “The Hero of the thousand faces” we’ll see how there’s a universal need to be in contact with the heroic part of ourselves, to be able to face courageously the challenges and struggles of our ordinary life.

Throughout the episode we’ll point out how the “Hero’s journey” can be found in countless movies, stories, tales and books….as well as in our own life.

We’ll come to understand that our day-to-day life is indeed…A hero’s journey.

As usual Francesco & Vega will also share some practical possibilities we can easily use to get better in contact with the theme and experience the empowering influence of the heroic figure in our life, choices, actions and interactions.