Photographer:Patrick | Angiras Indian alumni 2013 convention Photographer:Patrick | Unity Pavillon audience Photographer:Patrick |  Mr Bala Baskar secratary of Auroville Foundation Photographer:Patrick | Group picture Photographer:Patrick | Mr Bala Baskar secratary of Auroville Foundation speach Photographer:Patrick | The audience

ANGIRAS Indian alumni convention

ANGIRAS stands for the Network of Indian Alumni from German Universities for Sustainable Solutions, which is a registered not-for-profit organization initiated by the Indian alumni graduated from the German Universities. Yesterday morning at the Unity pavilion in International Zone, they started their 2013 Indian convention by a short speech of Mr. Bala Baskar, Secretary of Auroville Foundation, then Franziska of DAAD, the German Academic exchange service, presented her organization.

She was followed by Dr Bernd Moeller of Flenswburg university who introduced his mapping work. Next, Mona and Arun spoke of ANGIRAS and Ganes. The keynote address, on the integration of rural-urban development, was given by Dr. Brahmanand Mohanty, Director of Center for Science and Environment.’