“I just wanna write” is a series of short podcasts aimed to share with you all the creative writing games and exercises that you can find in much more detail at gatedreams.com, Francesca’s small but industrious Activity’s new website.

Enter The Creative Writing Playground section and sign up. It’s for Aurovilians, Newcomers and Volunteers only and it’s for free.

This week’s topic is The Power of Crises in Plot

Each week the works of various authors are showcased, from Sri Aurobindo to C. S. Lewis to Eckhart Tolle to Keats and beyond, as they will… Evoking for you perhaps a new perception, or laughter… Take a short break, tune in and enjoy. This week, Marlenka reads excerpts from Echart Tolle’s classic book, A New Earth.

Abhijit is a professional in Media & Entertainment and in Association with Aurofilm is offering various courses in Arts, Animation and Film-making. Through his weekly sessions with Auroville Radio, he’ll be exploring a number of topics in each field.

In his Twenty Third session, he dwells deep into the history of Film-making covering the The silent years – Post-World War I American cinema.

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