Photographer:karthick | tim Photographer:karthick | book Photographer:karthick | presentation 1 Photographer:karthick | public addressing Photographer:karthick | presentation 2
16 Apr / 2018Program by:
Featured: TimLanguage: English

Wildlife Book Launch on India's Coramandel

A total of 88 profiles on life forms big and small – some popular & attractive, some unpopular & shunned, and some plain scary & dangerous, all relevant to our part of India are covered in a completed Auroville book on the Coromandel coastal region.

Learn about the wild crocodiles living down the road near Cuddalore, and the leopards that may also be living unseen not far away. How about the threat of Rock Bee attacks? Are you aware that only 1 in 20 venomous snake bites may kill, and what action to take if bitten? Learn that female praying mantises often eat their lovers as they mate! Do we have vampire bats locally? Is there anything good to say about cockroaches? Or rats? Or spiders? How about flamingos, chameleons, dragonflies, mosquitoes, earthworms, lice, scorpions, slugs & snails, butterflies & moths, mongooses, houseflies, etc.?