Photographer:martha | Mari, Ribhu, Chandra Photographer:WasteLess | Garbology 101 Photographer:web | garbage site Photographer:web | Sri Aurobindo Photographer:web | Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry years back
13 Aug / 2012Program by:
Language: English

GM at 5, New Educational Tool

In today’s news we feature interview with Chandra, Mari and Ribhu talking on Garbology 101. The presentation of educational curriculum will happen on Saturday 18th at 10.30am at Multi Media Centre in Town Hall., which will be also the occasion to connect with WasteLess. The RAS on behalf of the WC and the AVC invites all Residents of Auroville to an information and feedback meeting on the proposed Admission and Termination Regulations prepared by Auroville Foundation tomorrow at 5.00pm. at Unity Pavilion,in International Zone.

The lotus of the eternal knowledge and the eternal perfection is a bud closed and folded up within us.Sri Aurobindo